Monday, August 13, 2012

under 600 sf? could you live here?

ah, Europe. 
okay: Europe & Japan. 
well, okay: Europe, Japan & New York. 
lands of super-tiny living spaces. 

You know how the camera adds 10 pounds? The same theory works with square feet (at least with a seasoned photographer). I'm sure it looks bigger & brighter in the pictures than it really is. The shot is taken at maybe 4' high...had it been taken at normal person eye level...well, I'm just being mean when I'm really not trying to...

So ignore me being all cynical here. I still find it difficult to believe that this apartment in Stockholm is less than 600 square feet. It's really well done. So long as I got to go out a lot (um, & traveled back in time before the fam), I think I could manage.


But then again, Sweden, I have a sweet spot for you. You brought me IKEA and Alexander SkarsgĂ„rd. 

So what do you think? Could you live here?

pictures & article found via freshome

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

two words: sushi & bazooka

How freakin' cool?! Problem is, I would need to invite friends over to help me finish off all my experiments. Okay, so maybe that's not such a problem and a cause for celebration!

buy on Amazon.
found (including image) via Lost At E Minor.

the to-do's are stacking up!

I will not have time to whimper much about Summer winding down. New pieces! New styles! Fall & holiday show applications deadlines to meet.

Bring it.

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