Saturday, November 21, 2009

How-to: DIY stickers made from recycled wallcoverings (or scrapbook paper).

I came across a cardinal paper punch at Jo-Ann's with their holiday crafting gear. Tee-hee...a cardinal...I might have jumped up & down with my son shaking his head beside me. "Yeah, Mom..I get it"...Sigh, it really does come down to the little things, huh?  So, my little birdies will be used in the packaging at least since I've opted for a more recycled/handcrafted aesthetic.

Make your own's really easy & fun (& addictive)! Here's how:

Materials: scrap paper (I recycled scrap wallpaper), scrapbook sticker maker with adhesive (I used Xyron/permanent), paper punch(es)

Punch out shapes using your paper punch

Okay, here's where it starts to get difficult (hah!). Insert the cut-outs into the sticker maker.

Pull on the adhesive roll & check positions of cut-outs so that they're not touching.

Once you tear off a strip of stickers, rub & smooth down to help bond with adhesive.

Peel off film...

& voilĂ !

Merry sticker making!


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