Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Feature: Southeastern Beard & Moustache Championships

Picture by BadJon Photography found here 

Last Saturday night, the 1st Annual Southeastern Beard & Moustache Championships was held in West Ashley, SC (Charleston) at the Tin Roof. The competition last benefited Lowcountry Women With Wings, "which provides education and support services to women diagnosed with ovarian cancer and their families". My friend at work had this pulled up at the office this morning, & I can't think of a better day than to have started off my Friday! Seriously, this guy above is my new hero!

Apparently, Holy City Beard & Moustache Society is not alone. It's a local chapter of Beard Team USA
and there are worldwide competitions! How fun is that!! 

Check out the original story here from Charleston magazine. See the rest of the FABULOUS red carpet photos by BadJon Photography here.

Good times!

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