Wednesday, August 25, 2010

new stuff. woodland harvest collection no 02.

Woodland harvest mini-collection of accessories inspired by the approaching autumn - think pumpkin, celery, sage, squash, turning get the idea!

Woodland Harvest no. 02.
Hair clip - brooch.

Hand sewn flower [by me] out of reclaimed fabric* with vintage beads** sewn into the center. Faux leather backing [also reclaimed*] sewn onto the back. I spend a lot of time sewing if you couldn't tell!

3" [7mm] overall width / alligator clip / pin back

* Flower(s) & backing made from reclaimed fabric books. For more info, please see my blog article:

**Vintage beads used are from my grandmother's supplies that she used in her shop. I know because I used to sort & shelve all of these when I was a little girl!


♥ - Kat.

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