Saturday, September 25, 2010

studious reflection. custom inspiration.

So this orange beauty was the end result of a custom order that went out today! I like it. This is actually something I've wanted to do since I have GOBS of these beads [thank you Edie, mom + Bren]...right, loads of colorful beads: orange, emerald green, lime green, hot pink, royal purple, sapphire blue, yellow...

But then fabric reps keep coming into the office pulling discontinued fabric books out of our library! I brought home no less than 15 more books at home this week. I am trying to purge the pat rack out of me, but I just can't stand for all of the fabric books to just be thrown in the trash. Arrg.

So today, I have this internal struggle that reminds me of this scene in Animal House. You know the scene of angel/devil playing good cop/bad cop on his shoulder? That one. One side keeps telling me that I must use up what I have first; the other says that I should just go to the store, buy the dang fabric & make up the pretty necklaces!

Don't I wish all struggles were this mundane?!


♥ -Kat.

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