Wednesday, February 23, 2011

that's a lot of orange beads.

My grandmother's color choices amused me only a little less than her oddball dessert combinations. She L-O-V-E-D hot pink & I wondered how many totes of hot pink beads I'd be inheriting! However, orange was the number one bead color I've brought into the studio so far. Beaded pumpkins & jack-o-lanterns, huh?!

Mind you, I thought I had uncovered all orange beads [1 tote filled, multiple gallon-sized containers + few smaller containers] when I re-organized the studio last week. Oh, how wrong I was! I found even more at the back of my closet today.
At least there's no other secret stashes of beads around here! Or fabric for that matter- lol. I've gone through every nook & cranny of this place these past couple of days. And my back & knees are feeling it, too.


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