Thursday, April 21, 2011


Just do it, stupid.
I have journals filled with all of these great ideas. Ideas for the site, ideas for jewelry designs, ideas for the future. You get my point. And so this year, I've decided I'm finished with the complete Survival Manual for a Business-That-You-Never-Even-Started-Because-You-Never-Stopped-Planning.

A good business is ever-evolving, but if nothing is ever put into motion...well, then there's nothing to evolve.

Well that was stupid, stupid.
I've decided to build a simple site with the blog secondary. Do you realize it took nearly a year for me to figure out that I could log in & generate my own, more legit emails [you know, "X"]. Wow. I guess that I shouldn't admit that, but my pride can take another blow this week.

Please excuse my mess while I try not to be so stupid.
Obviously, I don't always know exactly what I'm doing. Evolving for sure. I'll need to change a couple settings on the site, so this may go back to the Blogger address for a bit while I get the site & domain all smoothed out. 

I'm not gonna lie. This is exciting to me.
[it's the simple things, I know]

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