Thursday, November 17, 2011

ice. ice. baby.

all the CH goodies are packaged, inventoried & ready to drop off Saturday at Criminal Records in L5P [Atlanta] for the upcoming ICE holiday pop-up shop. Goodies from over 80-something artists will be available there from December 1-24! craziness. opening party on the 1st & the first 100 guests receive swag bags [freebies are always welcome!].

actually, if you're in the first 250 people admitted each day at the holiday spectacular show this weekend, you will most likely be getting some Cardinal House goody in your swag too.

soo glad it's almost the weekend! had to pinky-swear [well, you get the idea] that i'd stop friday night to get back to our regular schedule of pizza & movie night. happy to oblige this week. but now, what to watch?

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