I know that I am not the only person out there that thinks that they will remember something, only to be muttering profanities hours later. No stickies, no quick voice reminder, nope...it's gone...just until you're about to fall asleep & you remember. Oooooh, that happens to me all of the time. I debate for another 5 minutes about getting up & writing it down this time or stay comfy under the blankets & just go to sleep.
I'll set up a few of these for various topics & update/refer back as more items are added. This particular topic is keystrokes. No expert here, so if you see something that you think should be on the list...write it/comment/don't just sit there! I have a PC; MAC users speak up.
© - Copyright: ALT + 0169 (hold ALT button & type 0,1,6,9--typical for all below)
™ - Trademark: ALT + 0153
® - Registered: ALT + 0174
° - degrees: ALT + 0176 (artisans using glass often talk about temps in their listings)
¢ - cent sign: ALT + 0162
€ - Euro: ALT + 0128
• - ALT + 0149 or ALT + 7
½ - ALT + 171
¼ - ALT + 172
÷ - ALT + 246
☺ - ALT + 1
☻ - ALT + 2
♥ - ALT + 3
♦ - ALT + 4
♣ - ALT + 5
♠ - ALT + 6
◘ - ALT + 8
○ - ALT + 9
◙ - ALT + 10
♂ - ALT + 11
♀ - ALT + 12
♪ - ALT + 13
♫ - ALT + 14
☼ - ALT + 15
► - ALT + 16
◄ - ALT + 17
..........there are a TON of others, and selection will change depending on your particular computer (style, version, etc). these should get you started!
http://www.squidoo.com/keyboardsymbols (tons of info - tells how to bring up your personal character map)
http://www.newradiance.com/KeyboardBulletsandSymbols.htm (scroll down)
.........there are even more keyboard shortcuts discussed on the sites above that don't always work on online applications (winddings, etc)...but they work in programs such as Word, FYI
.......Have fun experimenting! You'll find that there can be various ways to come up with the same symbol....
French symbols:
Ç - ALT + 128
ç - ALT + 135
é - ALT + 130
â - ALT + 131
à - ALT + 133
ê - ALT + 136
ë = ALT + 137
è - ALT + 138
ï - ALT + 139
î - ALT + 140
ô - ALT + 147
û - ALT + 150
ù - ALT + 151
« - ALT + 174
» - ALT + 175
German (check in French section above if you don't find the character as there are some similarities):
ß - ALT + 225
ä - ALT + 132 or Ä - ALT + 142
ö - ALT + 148 or Ö - ALT + 153
ü - ALT + 129 or Ü - ALT + 154
Spanish (check in French section above if you don't find the character as there are some similarities):
ñ - ALT + 0241
¿ - ALT + 168
¡ - ALT + 173
á - ALT + 160
í - ALT + 161
ó - ALT + 162
ú - ALT + 163
É - ALT + 144
ª - ALT + 166
º - ALT + 167
Ñ - ALT + 165
~ - ALT + 126
Very interesting...probably should know more about being able to do these symbols...I would need a large cheat sheet stuck to my monitor..I already have one side covered in sticky notes already....:)