Wednesday, November 10, 2010

how cool is this?! papercuts by joe.

Guys [& dolls gals]!! LOOK AT THESE! Hand-cut...not machine. HAND CUT. wowsa.

I discovered Papercuts by Joe while over at Indie Fixx & started drooling. These are presented so professionally. Seriously. Browse through his gallery. The presentation has such a great sophisticated + museum installation vibe. 
I love that there are triptychs & multiple pieces that are focused on negative space --and I believe he's self-taught. For those of you that have never had any artsy projects requiring you to use the negative space & to forget the positive-- it's not easy. It's like trying to remember to sing harmony when you want to slip right over to melody. It's reverse of how you'd normally compute an image.

Oh, & he had me at NPR. 

More of Joe:

♥ -Kat.

[images linked to source]

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