Tuesday, November 30, 2010

studious reflection. custom order.

I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas -whoa, I really did just type that. Hope that you had a good Thanksgiving.  Wow. My brain has not been functioning well, can you tell!? haha.

So, I've had a lot going on & have been fairly quiet. I thought I would share one of the projects that's kept me locked away.  This custom order is now a coordinating set of necklaces & earrings. 

These are just a few of the sample pictures to nail down the particulars. Up top, the picture shows all of the samples together...didn't it make a pretty picture?! I really like it.
The bottom image shows what was ultimately decided upon [including the earrings to match]. And they're all turning out lovely. 

But that reminds me that I have more flowers to sew. 


♥ -Kat.


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