Thursday, March 25, 2010

thursday treats. cast iron lamb chops

[image from CCB blog]

Easter is right around the corner, can you believe it?! This year is flying by far too quickly for me. Oh well. Time flies when you're having fun [or swamped], right?

Fresh homemade [rosemary, mint, basil] pesto & lamb chops seared in a cast iron with a quick sprint in the oven. Yum.  The recipe comes from Callie's Charleston Biscuits, which is a fantastic family grown...not quite bakery--perhaps biscuitry...based out of Charleston, SC. Find the pesto & lamb chop recipe here. They have other tasty recipes on their blog [if you're a fan of cast iron cooking, definitely check it out] & you can sign up for the newsletter. Note: They send out the newsletter fairly regular & lots of it concerns local Charlestons. I'm not 100% that you can tailor it to suit.

fan them on Facebook

Happy Cooking!
♥ - Kat.

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