Tuesday, March 23, 2010

i want that. twitter ID necklaces

These are too cool! Okay, I admit that Twitter isn't my favorite mode of social interaction. Hey, I like it one step above texting [ha, that one really does bug a couple of my friends!]. For those that text nonstop, I can understand the appeal...but can someone tell me how you handle the constant barrage of updates? It baffles me as to why anyone chooses to be that tied to a single piece of equipment no matter the compact size!

But of course I still use Twitter & I do enjoy the occasional eavesdropping of Neil Gaiman & Kevin Smith baiting the other as much as anyone else [so you substitute your own favs, okay]. These customized necklaces from Survival of the Hippest would make a fabulous gift for the guy, or gal, that turns Twitter-ing into an extracurricular activity!

Tweet, tweet!
♥ -Kat.

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